Peering Policy

Kolkata IX is a Community Internet Exchange facilitating the Members, who shall be ISPs, TSPs, Content, Application, DNS, TLD Operators/Network Operators and such Service Providers, who may require IXP facilities, to interconnect with each other for efficient routing of IP traffic and overall improve the functioning of Internet in the region. The members using the Kolkata IX will be the peering members of Kolkata IX.

Kolkata IX supports multilateral peering using redundant Route Server and also bilateral peering among peers.

No peer is allowed to advertise default route towards IXP. Any Default route advertisement will be dropped as per routing policies.

Member are allowed to announce minimum block of /24 towards Kolkata IX. Advertisement of full routing table is not Allowed.

Kolkata IX has implemented IRR based prefix filtering.

Kolkata IX has implemented RPKI validation. Members are expected to implement RPKI as part of security best practices.

Kolkata IX allows only Public peering and Private peering is not allowed.

Broadcast packages is allowed maximum 50 in number per second per physical Interface.

Member ISPs shall not refuse to accept traffic from other members.