Kolkata IX is an initiative of India Internet Foundation (IIFON) and ISOC Kolkata Chapter. It is a community IX wherein the governance & operations are managed by its members and partners. It has community membership option and is run for the mutual benefit of all the connected parties, its members, and is governed by them collectively. Kolkata IX is deliberately neutral, independent and has not-for-profit approach about its IX operations.

IIFON has created and manages the secretariat of Technical Working Group on IX Management which takes the decisions and its membership is open to any legal party that has its own Autonomous System Number (ASN), which implies that the corresponding network commits itself to deploy alternative routes to interconnect with other networks. Decisions with regard to routes, capacity and redundancy are the sole responsibility of the network owners, and bilateral efforts between these ASNs are required to exchange traffic and establish peering between networks.

The upstream broadband required for the CDNs cache in IX is provided by Alliance Broadband and it allows bilateral sharing of content for the members of Kolkata IX. Internet Society has sponsored the switching infrastructure for the IX and the community engagement function for capacity building is managed by Internet Society Kolkata Chapter.

Key Highlights :

All 1 G Ports but reduced rates for smaller ISPs.
No Interconnection Charges.
Availability of DNS Root Instance in the IX
Bilateral & Multilateral Peering allowed.